movement$50625$ - traduction vers grec
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movement$50625$ - traduction vers grec

Movements; Movement (single); Movement (disambiguation); Movement (album); Movement (song)

n. κίνημα, μετακίνηση, κίνηση, κίνηση λογαριασμού
Red Cross         
  • 1st Division]], upon their arrival in [[Paris]], July 4, 1917.
  • A [[Magen David Adom]] worker in the [[Tel Aviv]] civil defense, 1939
  • A [[Turkish Red Crescent]] staff conducting activities for children
  • Ambulance of the Italian Red Cross
  • access-date=16 September 2018 }}</ref>
  • A stamp from the Faroe Islands
  • The [[flag of Switzerland]] – basis of the original Red Cross
  • The emblem of the International Committee of the Red Cross (French: Comité international de la Croix-rouge)
  • Flag of the [[Ottoman Empire]] (later [[Turkey]]) – basis of original Red Crescent
  • border
  • border
  • border
  • King Olav of Norway]], ICRC president Leopold Boissier, League Chairman John A. MacAulay.
  • Memorial commemorating the first use of the Red Cross symbol in an armed conflict during the [[Battle of Dybbøl]] (Denmark) in 1864; jointly erected in 1989 by the national Red Cross societies of Denmark and Germany
  • Henry Davison]], Founding father of the League of Red Cross societies
  • atomic bombing]]
  • Group picture of the volunteers – mostly women – in front of the Musée Rath in 1914
  • Emblem of the IFRC
  • The ICRC Headquarters in Geneva
  • [[Henry Dunant]], author of ''[[A Memory of Solferino]]''
  • "Committee of the Five": Gustave Moynier, Guillaume-Henri Dufour, Henry Dunant, Louis Appia, Théodore Maunoir
  • An Israeli stamp commemorating the 25th anniversary of [[Magen David Adom]], issued 11 January 1955
  • POWs]] in Germany
  • [[Gōtarō Mikami]]'s Red Cross flag with which in 1905 he deflected from his field hospital in Manchuria the onslaught of the Russian army
  • Original document of the [[First Geneva Convention]], 1864
  • Budapest 1945. Repatriation of 2000 Italian [[prisoners of war]].
  • The Logistics Centre of the [[Finnish Red Cross]] in [[Tampere]], [[Finland]]
  • International emblem for [[Magen David Adom]] outside [[Israel]].
  • border
  • border
  • Entry to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum in Geneva
  • The Red Cross, after the [[Battle of Gravelotte]] in 1870
  • An ambulance owned by the Mexican Red Cross
  • A stamp from Turkey
  • The MV ''Red Cross'' in New York harbour ca 1915
  • Rath Museum]]. International Prisoners-of-War Agency. Researches department. German section. Express messages and communications to families.
  • War 1939–1945. Geneva, Central Prisoners of war Agency, Electoral building / Palace of the General Council
  • Red Cross ambulance from 1917
International Federation of the Red Cross; Red Cross; Red Crescent; Red cross; International Red Cross Committee; Red crescent; The International Red Cross and Red Crescent; The Red Crescent; Red Cross and Red Crescent; International Red Crescent; International Red Cross and Red Crescent; Red Crescent Societies; Red Cross Movement; Red Cross of North Korea; Red Cross Socieites; Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement; Red Crescent Society; Red crescent society; Red cresent; The Jordan Red Crescent; Jordan Red Crescent; International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement; Red Crescent Movement; American Red Crescent Movement; Red Cross or Red Crescent; International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent; Red Cross movement; Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement; Red Cross flag; Red Crescent (emblem); Red Cross (emblem);; Red Crescents; Red Cross/Crescent Movement; International Red Cross Movement; International Red Crescent Movement; Red Cross in World War I; Red Cross in World War II
ερυθρός σταυρός
peace movement         
  • anti-nuclear]] protest march in Oxford
  • [[Mahatma Gandhi]], leader of the [[Indian independence movement]] and advocate of [[nonviolent resistance]]
  • 1981 protest in [[Bonn]] against the [[nuclear arms race]] between [[NATO]] and the [[Soviet Union]]
  • 1981 protest in Amsterdam against the deployment of [[Pershing II]] missiles in Europe
  • A World War I-era peace protester
  • '''Sweden''': [[Stockholm]]'s May 2015 Peace and Love Rally through the south side of the city drew hundreds of marchers and celebrants.
  • Protesters against the Iraq War in Washington, D.C. in 2007
  • Protesters against the [[Iraq War]] in London
  • Anti-war march in [[St. Paul, Minnesota]], March 19, 2011
  • ''The Deserter'' (1916), by [[Boardman Robinson]]
  • Protesters against the Vietnam War prepare to [[march on the Pentagon]] on October 21, 1967.
Peace movements; Antiwar movement; Anti-war movements; Peace rallies; Peace Movement; The peace movement; Pro-peace; Pro-Peace; Peace rally; Anti war movement; Justice and peace issues; Peace activist; Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace; Peace campaigner; Israeli peace camp; Peace advocate; Peace activism; Peace advocacy; Pacifism in the United Kingdom; Peace Movements
κίνημα ειρήνης


women's movement
¦ noun a broad movement campaigning for women's liberation and rights.



Movement may refer to: